Contact Us


We will respond to your inquiry emails in order.
If you have not received a reply from us within 72 hours after sending, please contact us by phone.
For those staying for three days or less, please contact us directly by phone.
(Business hours: 10: 00 ~ 17: 00)

*In some cases, due to the regulations of each carrier / provider, the reply email may not be delivered or may be classified to junk email.
If you do not receive an email, please check your spam folder.

    Location to Inquire About * Bourou NOGUCHI Noboribetsu
    Inquiry *
    Name *
    Name in Roman Alphabet
    Postal Code
    House address
    Telephone number *
    E-mail address *
    Gender MaleFemale
    Confirmation number
    (For those who have already made a reservation, please fill in your confirmation number)
    Date of Stay

    (For those who have already made a reservation, please fill in your date of stay)
    Contents of Inquiry *